Price Hike Paragraph is very important for any examination specially for jsc, ssc and hsc exam. Actually,  Price hike means the increase in the price of the essential commodities in the market. It is considered one of the major problems in our country. So, student should learn it. Today, I have given a few sample of Price Hike Paragraph. All of those paragraph are very easy and simple. You will be able to memorize and learn them very easily. I hope, it will be helpful for you.  

  • Price Hike Paragraph in 150 words
  • Price Hike Paragraph in 200 words
  • Price Hike Paragraph in 100 words
  • Price Hike Paragraph in 300 words 
  • Price Hike Paragraph for JSC Examination
  • Price Hike Paragraph for SSC Examination
  • Price Hike Paragraph for HSC Examination
  • Price Hike Paragraph for Honours Students                  

Sample: 01

Price Hike Paragraph in 150 words for SSC Examination 

Price Hike Paragraph    

Price hike means high price of daily necessaries. When the price of essential things goes beyond the purchasing capacity of the general people. it is called price hike There are many causes of price hike. First price hike occurs because of natural disasters. In our country natural disasters like flood and cyclone occur almost every year. Flood destroys the crops of the country. So the supply of goods falls short in proportion to our need. Hoarding is another cause of price hike The dishonest businessmen create artificial crisis of food grains. As a result the price goes up. Political disturbance like hartal also causes price hike for the time being. price hike has dreadful effect in our life and national economy. It causes untold sufferings to the poor and the middle class people. Many people cannot buy daily necessaries. Some of them remain half fed. As a result they suffer from malnutrition. The poor and the day laborer are the worst sufferers of price hike. The government should ensure the supply of essential goods to control price hike. The dishonest businessmen and the hoarders should be punished. The government should also monitor the prices of various things.

Sample: 02

Price Hike Paragraph in 200 words for HSC Examination

Price Hike

Price hike means the unusual increase of prices of the daily essential commodities. Nowadays, this is a common picture in Bangladesh. When the buying ability of the common people goes beyond control for sudden rising of daily necessities is called price hike or price spiral.  Every day the prices various necessary commodities are increasing. There are many reasons of price hike. Rapid growth of population and hoarding, black market etc. are the main causes of price hike. Apart from this, market syndicate, natural disasters, limited cultivable lands, shortage of commodities supply, money inflation, and political turmoil are responsible for this price hike. Moreover, there are some dishonest and greedy businessmen who create an artificial crisis in the market to sell crops at higher prices. As a result, there occurs price hike. The rising situation of prices in the market affects the general people seriously. Especially the poor and the middle class suffer much in this circumstance. Children also suffer from malnutrition for the want of balance diet. To eradicate this problem govt. should form a monitoring cell and have an arrangement to import essential commodities in the crisis moment. Hi-breed crops should be grown in plenty. Money inflation, activities of black market, political unrest should be controlled. Again, the law enforcement agencies should take punitive action against the ill motive businessmen and black marketers.

Sample: 03

Price Hike Paragraph in 100 words for class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 

Price Hike  
Price hike means the increase in the price of the essential commodities in the market. It is considered one of the major problems in our country. There are many reasons for the price hike. Firstly, insufficient production is responsible for the price hike. Secondly, improper distribution is also responsible for this. Thirdly illegal and immoral acts of dishonest businessmen cause the problem. Besides, untimely flood and more demand also cause a price hike. The common poor people are the main victim to this. They always suffer from this. Day by day the problem is going out of control. The situation cannot go on. The government formed monitoring cells to control the price hike. The law enforcing agencies should work more efficiently. The culprits must be punished. We should import essentials through tax cuts. However, the government, the rich and the business class people should come forward to ensure the proper distribution of commodities. Now we should research to overcome price hikes in the future.

Sample: 04

Price Hike Paragraph in 300 words for HSC and Honours

Price Hike or Price Spiral

When the prices of the daily necessary commodities go high compared to the normal range, it is called price hike or price spiral. It is the situation of beyond capacity of the people to buy daily essentials. Every day the prices various necessary commodities are increasing. There are many reasons for price hike. Firstly, our population is growing rapidly. But our land is limited. As a result crops are not growing according to our demand.  Secondly, sometimes natural disasters like flood and draught are responsible for price hike.  There are also some dishonest businessmen who always try to buy crops in cheap rate at the beginning of the season. After then they create an artificial crisis situation in the market and sell crops at higher price to make illegal profit. Consequently, there occurs price hike. Apart from these market syndicate, hoarding, black market and political unrest are responsible for price spiral. The rising situation of prices in the market affects the general people very seriously. As most people of our country live below the poverty line, they cannot afford to keep pace with the rising condition. So, sufferings of them know no bound. Children also suffer from malnutrition for price for the want of balance diet. It is imperative to control the price hike at any cost. To solve this problem govt. should form a monitoring cell. Some essential commodities should be imported at the time of crisis situation. Govt. should have an arrangement to import essential commodities and should establish public sale points at the crisis situation. Hi-breed crops should be grown in plenty. Money inflation, activities of black market, political turmoil should be derived away. Again, law enforcement agencies should take punitive action against the dishonest businessmen and black marketers.

Sample: 05

Price Hike Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC Examination  

Answering the following questions write a paragraph about "Price Hike"

Question: Write a paragraph on Price Hike. Your paragraph must include the answers to the following questions.

  • What is price hike?
  • What are the causes of it in Bangladesh?
  • What is the impact of it on our society?
  • Who are the worst sufferers of it?
  • How can it be controlled?

Price Hike Paragraph 

Price hike means an unusual increase in the prices of daily necessaries. Nowadays, it is a common phenomenon in Bangladesh and the problem is getting worse day by day. The market syndicate is mostly responsible for this price hike in Bangladesh. Besides, some dishonest traders create an artificial crisis by storing essential commodities with a view to making huge profits. Other factors that cause price hike are less agricultural production due to natural disasters, lack of raw materials, want of speedy communication, political instabilities, money inflation at the national level, etc. Price hike causes unrest in society. Lives of common people are under a great threat. Prices of essential’ commodities go beyond the capacity of the poor and the fixed income people. More or less, most people suffer from the problem of price hike. It is a problem that cannot be solved overnight. The Government should take both immediate and long-term steps to reduce price hike. Any syndicates of the businessmen are to be suppressed boldly and inflation of money should be controlled. The agricultural sector should be given priority in the annual budget. At the same time, public awareness should also be raised against price hike.